Wednesday, February 28, 2007

It's not just video games and films that are bad for your mental health...

Latest from the Stating the Bleeding Obvious Desk: Now it has been scientifically confirmed that the Good Book itself can incite people to go kill-crazy: New research sees correlation between violent bible passages and aggression. [via Fridgemagnet]. News that will not come as any surprise to the family members of doctors who were killed for performing abortions, or of servicemen buzzed by God Hates Fags morons.

It works in the same way as with violent games and movies. If a person is unhinged already then the Bible can encourage them to go on a rampage just as Fight Club or Half-Life could. So next time people want to ban anything that could warp their children's fragile little minds, let's just add the Bible to the bonfire.

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