Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Spymum has asked me to fisk this article from Nirpal Dhaliwal in last months Sunday Times where he moans bitterly about yummy mummys. I can't really in all good conscience do so, partly because I agree with some of his points, those ones about the overpopulation of the planet and it's resources, not those ones where he shares his sexism and misogyny towards women.

I did notice however that he has a resolve to abstain from parenthood and considers mothers to be idle heifers [with] their conceited, boring lives. Which makes it odd that Liz Jones reported in the Mail on Sunday on the 5th of November last year that he even said he was ready to have a baby with me (I've got a feeling there was another article about this but I can't put my hand on it right now). Of course, there are any number of explanations, he's lying now, she was lying then, Nirpal made the offer because he knew the neurotic and anorexic Jones couldn't bear to bear children, he's quiet happy to have kids if it means he can moan about his wife the mummy in the same way he snarks at those involved in fashion such as his wife.

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