Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Graffiti at the Top of the Monument

Graffiti at the Top of the Monument
Originally uploaded by Loz Flowers.

The Monument in Monument Street was finished in 1677 to commemorate the Great Fire of London eleven years previously and the rebuilding of the City.

It contains a 311 step staircase up to a viewing platform that, on a clear day, give wonderful views over the city. That's three hundred and eleven very steep steps, in a tight corkscrew, so that when people wish to pass, those on the outside must press against the wall, those on the inside are shuffling up tiny steps.

I was depressed by how out-of-breath I was when I reached the top. My knees being buggered by the climbing is fair enough, the muscles cramping for the rest of the day I can put up with. But to be tired out by all that climbing?

I'm going to be thirty in August. And I'm really out of shape.


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