Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Fucking hell. The English are a bunch of rascist fuckwits. A majority of people back the British National Party's policies, according to a new poll. The Guardian tries to reassure it's readers the YouGov survey found that many people disown the policies once they are associated with the BNP but look at the figures, the numbers don't go down by much: It found that 59% of people supported a halt to all further immigration to the UK... when they were not told of the far-right group's association with the policy. Among those who were told that it was a BNP commitment, support for the policy was only 48%.

Wow! Only 48%? What, like only almost half the people asked ? So not only are most people rascist fuckwits who conveniently forget that English history is the history of a mongrel nation, they also don't vote honestly? I fucking despair...


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