Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Cartoon Museum, Little Russell Street

Exterior of the Cartoon Museum, Little Russell Street
Originally uploaded by Loz Flowers.

Visited The Cartoon Museum yesterday (it says it's the Cartoon Museum, the website's title is The Cartoon Arts Trust, the web address is for the Artoon Centre, whoareyagonnatrust?) It's very nice, though so limited by size it can't really go into any depth on anything. The upstairs section is dedicated to comics, but if you're not going to exclude American comics, to waste space on newspaper strips like Jane (a character who always got kidnapped by Nazis or whatever in a state of undress) and not mention any Marvel comics (Jack Kirby gets a shout out for Mister Miracle) is rather strange but maybe they just couldn't get any artwork, it looks like everything is generously donated, 2000AD takes up its own corner. There's a DTWOF strip there too, the episode where Toni has to persuade Raffi that beating up his school bully isn't going to achieve anything. For an operation that seems to be run by amateurs and volunteers it's pretty good.

Upstairs at the Cartoon Museum, Little Russell Street
Originally uploaded by Loz Flowers.


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