Saturday, May 07, 2005

Excuse me? [T]he Muslim factor played a bigger part than ever before -- and a damaging one for British democracy. Cities with large concentrations of Muslim voters all registered strong votes against Tony Blair and for anti-war candidates of any other party, however extreme. It looks as though many Muslims still obey their community leaders and imams and vote en bloc.

As the proportion of Muslims grows, due to a higher birthrate and immigration, we are seeing this behaviour affecting more and more seats, as politicians make greater efforts to appease Muslim demands. Labour has already promised a new law to restrict “incitement to religious hatred” which nobody except the Muslims wanted. Now that the imams have flexed their electoral muscle, we can expect the Islamic shopping list to grow over the next few years.

I don't know, they come over here, steal our votes... How can it be bad for democracy to have people registering to vote? Isn't this just the same old story "Yegods, commoners voting? And darkies too?! It's the end of civilisation as we know it!"


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