Saturday, May 28, 2005
Actors and the Parts They Were Born to Play: No #1 in an occasional series.
Yes, Joey Pantoliano is Joseph Beuys!
Or have I already said that?
Damn, am I repeating myself? Or have I already said that?
Didn't sleep well last night, what with the heat and all. Today, into town to buy stuff, some comics at Gosh, Plums wanted trainers and we had the hell of hot Oxford Street shoe shops on Saturday, then to the Apple Shop to get me a shiny iPod. It's charging right now. Over £200! The Apple Shop looks nice but the total lack of signage is rather irritating, having to find an assistant who is free to find out where I actually go to get an iPod. Still, the customer service was nice. Said I wasn't going to hook my iPod to external speakers, so a docking station wasn't necessary. Telling me my rights with regards to exchanges, listening patiently as I stuttered like a fool. Very excited. Also possibly the first time I've been out and about publically in a skirt since I was attacked in December. A real case of 'feeling the fear but doing it anyway'. And I feel great right now, despite the tiredness.
Or have I already said that?
Yes, Joey Pantoliano is Joseph Beuys!
Or have I already said that?
Damn, am I repeating myself? Or have I already said that?
Didn't sleep well last night, what with the heat and all. Today, into town to buy stuff, some comics at Gosh, Plums wanted trainers and we had the hell of hot Oxford Street shoe shops on Saturday, then to the Apple Shop to get me a shiny iPod. It's charging right now. Over £200! The Apple Shop looks nice but the total lack of signage is rather irritating, having to find an assistant who is free to find out where I actually go to get an iPod. Still, the customer service was nice. Said I wasn't going to hook my iPod to external speakers, so a docking station wasn't necessary. Telling me my rights with regards to exchanges, listening patiently as I stuttered like a fool. Very excited. Also possibly the first time I've been out and about publically in a skirt since I was attacked in December. A real case of 'feeling the fear but doing it anyway'. And I feel great right now, despite the tiredness.
Or have I already said that?