Sunday, January 02, 2005

There doesn't appear to be much hope for free elections in Iraq, what with many parties abstaining from the process and election officials being intimidated into resigning. Still, all they need is for one guy to hang on until the end of the month and then Shrubya can claim free and fair elections were held. This is at the same time as the administration quietly admits that it did torture Iraqis but promises, scouts honour, not to do it again. Although I suspect that what this means is that memos are going around saying "For Christ's sake don't take holiday pictures of yourselves by the bodies of people you've just been electrocuting the genitals of! Follow the example of your colleagues at Guantanamo! They've been happily torturing inmates but there aren't any pictures! See you in Iran! (or is it Syria? Please check) Love Donnie Rumsfeld. P.S. No, I will not sing 'Crazy Horses'."


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