Sunday, January 09, 2005

Jerry Springer: The Fallout

More than 1.7 million viewers... The BBC said on Sunday that it had received 317 calls since the broadcast, more than half of which had been supportive...

But: Meanwhile, Stephen Green, National Director of Christian Voice, a UK-wide prayer group, confirmed on Sunday that his organisation would mount a private prosecution against the BBC. He said: "We will probably bring a private prosecution against them for the common law offence of blasphemy. Having seen the thing, if this is not blasphemy, nothing is. There will be nothing sacred if we cannot successfully prosecute the BBC."

Here's hoping for an end to sacred cows. Checking Christian Voice's website they seem to be one of those small but vocal groups that troll around looking for stuff to be offended by. They also seem to be strangely moved by men in uniform but then, who amongst us can say they aren't?


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