Sunday, December 19, 2004

David Blunkett now seems to be developing Thatcher-like levels of self-delusion. The Observer reports Blunkett has convinced himself he's a simple working-class lad brought low by the evil rich, as though anyone at the top of New Labour could seriously be considered to be working class any more. He also believes the investigation into his fast-tracking of the visa isn't going to turn out well as he's telling everyone that Kimberley Quinn has 'bewitched' the civil servant investigating. Oh these evil American millionaires, they just have to bat their eyelids and good honest British men like David and Alan are bewitched.

Interestingly, Senior Whitehall sources accused Blunkett of running a 'regime of fear' in which officials felt intimidated into doing his bidding, reflecting allegations understood to have been forwarded to the inquiry. Hmmm.

Also, set your videos, Channel 4 intend to broadcast documentary questioning the veracity of the bible on Christmas Day.


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