Thursday, October 07, 2004

Paul Hunter, get yer hair cut!

Bush on Iraq. [via All Facts and Opinions]

Finally received a Babylon Five Series 4 box set that wasn't smashed to bits by our wonderful postal service. As ever the similarities and allegories to the current situation are there to see, bogus arguments over 'weapons of mass destruction', a president trying to bring about a state of totally totalitarian control by manipulating information to make his people feel afraid and unsafe, and then the episodes I watched tonight, where the destruction of everything is avoided by our heroes standing between the forces of order and chaos and telling them they have no right to run their lives. That though they may both believe absolutely and without question that they are right and what they do is right for everyone else, that they have no right to take away peoples freedom to choose, to be independent.

Of course, that's where it all falls down with regards to real life. Even if you could somehow get Osama and George together in the room you'd never be able to get it through to them that they don't have the right to destroy the world.


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