Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The Guardian's Operation Clark County, an attempt to get Guardian readers involved in the US Election by writing to undecideds in Clark County and swing them towards Kerry, was a bad idea from the get go. I know I would have been annoyed if I received, out of the blue, a letter from the States suggesting that I should vote Labour at the next election to thank Mr Blair for his principled stand in the War Against Terror. At a time when patriotism tends to swell, and for an election in which incumbents tend to try and resurrect the living god aspect of the Roman caesars, letters from the once-occupying power were never going to go down well. The Guardian has printed some of the responses it has received and I can't really blame people for being annoyed. Just as Fox News lied about Communists supporting Kerry I hope this action from the Guardian doesn't drive any undecided voters Bush's way.

Venusberg has more wise words to say on the subject here.
And the inevitable American backlash starts here with Operation Guardian, where Americans are offered the chance to write to a Guardian journalist and tell them exactly how their tree-hugging, lefty, communist, feminist gay ideas are wrong and how they should embrace conservatism.


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