Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The BBC News website has been wiki-ed up by stefan who's a bit disappointed by how dull and uninteractive the original is. Check it out here. As a start it's interesting, turning the main text into a collection of wikipedia links is of dubious interest to average punters, but hopefully BBC Online will take this as the friendly prod it's intended to be rather than someone stealing their copyright. Someone proxied the Odeon cinemas website earlier in the year to make a site that wasn't so irritating to use, they came down like a ton of bricks but at least they added an option for more friendly ticket/times info.

As a non-technical type meself (I know, I hide it well don't I?) the future for the Internet I'm most interested in is more personalised internet content, something similar to the computer systems in Minority Report, grabbing screens of content and throwing them away when I don't need them, taking a scene/web page and going into greater detail within it. A while ago Tom was interested in attempting more interactivity between users and Barbelith, starting with the user able to chose between a variety of website skins. Sadly real-life seems to have got in the way since...


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