Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Dick Cheney opposes a ban on gay marriage. So this is presumerably the now entirely dispensible Dick Cheney speaking? He spends a couple of days talking about how the Republican party isn't just there for the nasty people in life then, wouldn't you know it? He has to stand down for health reasons and Bush announces his new running mate is the Grand Imperial Wizard of the Klu-Klux-Klan, because George wants a moderate on the ticket. There is no way in hell the Republicans have decided to alienate all those queer-hatin', God-fearing, middle-Merkins and hopefully it's not going to fool anyone else either.

Mark Thatcher arrested over allegations of involvement in a coup in Equatorial Guinea. You know who else has been thought to have been linked to this right? Jeffrey Archer. Might he be looking at writing volume four?

And the Athens Olympics seems to believe it can regulate how people link to it's webpages.

a) Use the term ATHENS 2004 only, and no other term as the text referent.

So presumerably this is bang out of order then?

Parties wishing to use a graphic element (banner) to link the ATHENS 2004 website can do so only by using the special ATHENS 2004 link buttons that are available here.

I'm an unsanctioned banner, click on me to go to the Athens 2004 website!


Needless to say I won't be writing to them for permission to use these links either. I'm sure the world won't fall apart if I encourage everyone to use their own links and banners to the Athens Olympic site?

For more on this story, read this.


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