Sunday, July 18, 2004

Same old shit. A couple of British newspapers are pushing that Bush has decided that Iran is the next on his hitlist. The Times for yesterday reports; THE US will mount a concerted attempt to overturn the regime in Iran if President Bush is elected for a second term. It would work strenuously to foment a revolt against the ruling theocracy by Iran’s “hugely dissatisfied” population, a senior official has told The Times. The United States would not use military force, as in Iraq, but “if Bush is re-elected there will be much more intervention in the internal affairs of Iran”, declared the official, who is determined that there should be no let-up in the Administration’s War on Terror.

... [The White House official] hinted at a possible military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities, saying that there was a window of opportunity for destroying Iran’s main nuclear complex at Bushehr next year that would close if Russia delivered crucial fuel rods. To destroy Bushehr after the delivery would cause huge environmental damage. The rods would allow the Iranians to obtain enough plutonium for many dozens of nuclear weapons, he said.

...Iran is one of the three members of President Bush’s “axis of evil” and has further angered Washington with its covert interference in Iraq since the end of last year’s war to topple Saddam Hussein.

Is Bush ready to fight another Islamic country because they fiddled with his toys?

However, it gets even better. According to todays Telegraph the Big Lie that helped win the American public over to attacking Saddam is getting an encore. Yes! Iran gave free passage to up to 10 of the September 11 hijackers just months before the 2001 attacks and offered to co-operate with al-Qa'eda against the US, an American report will say this week.

The all-party report by the 9/11 Commission, set up by Congress in 2002, will state that Iran, not Iraq, fostered relations with the al-Qa'eda network in the years leading up to the world's most devastating terrorist attack.

The bipartisan commission has established that between eight and 10 of the September 11 hijackers, who had been based in Afghanistan, travelled through Iran between October 2000 and February 2001.

Presumerably it's absent-mindedness on the part of this pieces author not to mention how the hijackers went to iran via Iraq where they posed for photo's with Saddam Hussein and those stockpiles of WMD that Tony Blair used to insist must be there. Still, at least Bush has picked a country where there are members of Al Qaida this time.

Teheran said yesterday that it had arrested an unspecified number of Iranian al-Qa'eda supporters.

It reminds me of that Chris Morris remix of Bush's state of the union address. We now have to hope there is sanity in the US administration. "Relying on the sanity and restraint of the United States is not a strategy and it is not an option." Do you feel safer yet?


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