Tuesday, July 27, 2004

I knew he looked familiar...

Meanwhile, it seems that the Republicans are backing Nader in order to divert votes away from Lurch's left wing (I wonder if this will encourage him to actually journey out to the left rather then gallop towards the right?). However, equally shamefully if true, Nader is complaining that desperate Dems are doing what they can to keep him off the ballot. Elsewhere Talking Points Memo reports that Republicans in Kentucky have taken to sporting stickers in their cars claiming that Kerry is Osama Bin Laden's choice for President. Annoyingly I can't find any surviving news reports of Bin Laden's statement, but what I copied here should be enough, Bin Laden is saying at least that he doesn't like Kerry and he wants Bush reelected because he deals with matters with 'force rather than wisdom', which is presumerably the sort of recruitment poster that Al Qaeda needs. Wonder if I should email the Republicans and suggest their bumper stickers are wrong?


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