Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Could this be the best erotica book ever?

Hall of Judgement

An entomologist equipped with canisters of insecticide attempts unsuccessfully to sterilise the oversized scarab-beetle that is the transport of the invading army of a whip-wielding and stiletto-booted race of Amazonian women. Captured and brought to the Hall of Judgement, he is himself mutated into a rubber-skinned creature,the mindless slave of the transdimensional Empire of Heel! Madame de Morville, the master of the leather-clad genre, will be appearing throughout the media to publicise this new work.

I mean, how does the thought process go on that one? "The erotica/feet-worship book scene has grown stale. I know, I'll revitalise it with the story of a entomologist trying to kill off giant insects ridden by warrior Amazons!"


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