Saturday, April 10, 2004

Two similar stories from the broadsheets, namely what the pro-war commentators said a year ago about the war and how things would be better for the Iraqis now that Saddam was gone: The Guardian view and The Independent view (which doesn't ignore the fact that Guardian columnist David Aaronovitch supported the war).

Meanwhile, things are getting worse. And are the Allies ready if this battle against Iraqis spreads to include Iran as well? Meanwhile, Jack Straw understates his view on what was going to happen after war 'finished' last year, I thought that they would go from some good days and some bad days.

Mr Straw said "the lid of the pressure cooker has come off," but he blamed events on the Saddam regime's legacy. "Some of the tensions and pressures which were there, and would have come out in any event, have to a degree been directed towards the coalition."

Strangely, before Saddam Hussein was being held at His Emperorships Pleasure, the argument the West used for not invading Iraq was that Hussein effectively held together Iraq and stopped it falling apart into civil war along ethnic and religious lines.

The Washington Post is keeping readers informed about the US casualties, a similar list for Iraqis would be much more difficult to organise and many times larger, others have a more picturesque version. [from American Leftist]


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