Monday, February 09, 2004
I'm sorry, but if you found this website by searching for The Nature of Panic and 'review' or 'opinion', then I'm afraid I thought it was shit. I wouldn't have thought it was possible to put on an exhibition in a small a space as the gallery and for it to look bare but this exhibition managed it. Some, what?, six or seven prints, mainly of a humorous nature such as someone apparently running along a cliff edge, with the colour filters turned up (a la that Doves video Here Comes the Fear or whatever it was) in a futile attempt to add some drama to dull snaps. And the text was similarly uninspired. You have to rely on your friends to get you through? You can be doing something that is actually very stressful yet strangely the panic attack doesn't kick in? Waste of space, waste of time. Avoid.