Wednesday, January 21, 2004

So apparently The Bloggies are the important awards thing for Bloggers and Tom Coates has been nominated for several categories and an article he wrote. I must admit that all this stuff interests me not a whit so I leave them to get on with it, what irritates me slightly is one of the awards he's up for, and it's not his fault but more The Bloggies and society in general. Tom's up for the best GLBT blog. Yes, like so many other things out there which at least admit that there are alternatives going out there, they conflate sex and gender, sexuality and presentation. Is it any wonder if members of the trans-community keep getting asked if they're gay, or lesbian couples get asked "which one of you is the man?" when these things gets lumped in together? As far as I know Tom hasn't touched on L,B or T issues in his blog in the last year, does that mean he shouldn't win the award? I'm dubious enough about what entries for a 'Transsexual' blog would look like, but would it really kill them to have at the very least two categories for the Gays and Lesbians, at least then so we can start moaning about non-representation of people who don't feel comfortable identifying in either. Looking at the Bloggies site it looks like they're striving for non-genderspecificness wherever possible, but how do you compare the queerness of Gayboy and DykeGirl? And what about Transgendero, are they at a disadvantage if they are attracted to Members of the Opposite Sex to the One They Present As?

Aah sod it, I'm going to go have a bath...


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