Thursday, January 08, 2004

It's not like I particularly like fast-food or the greedy rapacious environment-defouling companies that sell them, but it does annoy me when feckless people try to put the blame on them for problems such as obesity. Take dimwitted Colin Ord for example. He seems extremely unwilling to own up to the fact that it was him eating the burgers and other junk, instead he blames his mother who couldn't refuse her boy anything and then the fast-food manufacturers for advertising their products. With diet fads and surgery available to staple stomachs and wire jaws there seems to be an unwillingness in society in general to accept what is a pretty simple straight-forward truth, none times out of ten the main reason someone is fat is because they eat too much. Diets named after dead people and extremely intrusive surgery encourage people to shirk the responsibility for taking control of their lives, we all know what to do if we're involved in a car crash, none of us would want to admit to being responsible if it's us that caused that crash.

Most of us have the right to eat what we want, when we want. However, we then have to take the responsibility that if we eat too much, we're going to get fat. And relying on diets results in an unhappy person in a fat body. It shouldn't be McDonald's job to tell you that eating their products is bad for you. Burger King don't owe you an invalidity benefit if you eat there every day for years. Grow up, take some responsibility.

Here endeth the lesson, jeez.


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