Saturday, December 27, 2003

Well, I'm having a great Christmas, enlivened by yet more proof that the US Government was once less concerned about what Saddam Hussein did with chemical weapons than it claims now. One of Donald Rumsfeld's trips to Iraq back in the day was to assure Hussein that America's condemnation of his chemical weapon attacks was only for show. No wonder Hussein was surprised when people took his invasion of Kuwait the wrong way.

When conservatives feel rattled enough by proof of US/UK wrongdoings in this area they quite often use the 'our dealings with iraq were ancient history' and 'things have changed since Sept. 11th' excuses to brush it under the carpet. Somewhat ironic seeing as the leaders of the Allies make so much of their religious beliefs, dating back some two thousand years, or even longer if they try to justify why it's okay to be a Christian and want to kill people.

Meanwhile it looks like they've left the junior work-experience worker to write this article on murders of transpeople in America. Very impressively they manage to refer to transmen as 'she' and 'her' and transwomen as 'he' and 'his'. I hope they got lumps of coal in their stockings for that one.

Enjoy Winterval!


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