Sunday, December 14, 2003

I've spent the last hour or so doing Christmas cards. I've never been a great fan of them in the past and, since she was the hub of information for addresses, birthdays and anniversaries in the family, I've tended to rely on my mother to append my name to my parents cards. I'm even reluctant to do them for work colleagues, trying to resist until a last minute stab of guilt due to having received cards from all of them. However, this year Mum put her foot down so I'm having to do them all myself. Outside of the family there's not that many people left, most of my friends I only have email addresses and phone numbers for, not addresses, so they don't get cards. Of course, I feel extremely guilty for allowing myself to become collaborator in the obscene Capitalist spectacle that is Christmas, so I make sure to append all cards with witty slogans like 'Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, where we will finally overthrow the Imperialist Overlords and feast on their guts!' or 'Hope you have a White Christmas and may we all have a red Christmas next year, red with the blood of the Capitalist scum!'. We must never forget our principles.


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