Tuesday, December 16, 2003

According to News 24 Tony Blair says the WMD-sniffers have found a 'vast underground laboratory system'. Strangely the news isn't full of this, so I can only guess that this isn't the hoped for discovery of Hussein's WMD program. The fact that news of apparent links between Hussein and Al Qa'ida has similarly failed to set the newswires alive makes me wonder what's going on. Of course the Allies might be waiting for the afterglow over Hussein's capture to fade before they set it alight again, but I'm sure even the UK would have heard if Bush had his 'links' evidence, and similarly I can't believe Blair would sit on evidence of WMD programs as the Hutton enquiry report next month could do his Government serious damage.

I suspect that this thing will never be fully proved one way or another. Or rather, there will be elements that allow Blair and Bush to say "See? There were WMD/links to terrorism" but at the same time elements that allow doubters to go "See? There never were WMD/links to terrorism".


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