Wednesday, October 15, 2003

In a move that is probably surprising nobody Tony Blair says he likes ID cards but won't say whether legislation will be in the Queen's speech. Well, of course not. There are many reasons, not least of which it would be a hostage to fortune if it turned out they couldn't be done after all.

Labour's Nick Palmer backed up Mr Blair, saying that if people claimed benefits from the state, it was "not unreasonable" for them to show who they were.

"There is overwhelming support for the principle of identity cards so we have a society where people claim what they have the personal right to claim," he added.

If you repeat the lie enough times... Presumerably Nick Palmer is unaware that the truth of the matter is that there is NOT overwhelming support for ID cards. He's the MP for Broxtowe, I don't suppose anyone reading this blog lives in that area and would like to Faxyourmp to set him straight?

It's also interesting that he says that people on benefits should definitely have an ID card. People on benefits are often, by the very fact they're on benefits, the poorest people in the country. Yet they should have a piece of plastic that will cost them between £40 and £100? And how will this stop all the fraud that ministers regularly claim is going on that the current systems in place don't? And if he thinks those on benefits should have a card, does that mean he supports the rights of those of us who aren't on any form of income support not to have the card?


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