Wednesday, October 22, 2003

'Comedian' Jim Davidson cancelled show, didn't want to do jokes about disabled people when there were disabled people in the audience watching. It seems that the idea of removing the jokes about disabled people from the act never occured to him. I like the way he accuses the member of the public who refused to move as 'playing the handicapped card' as, having a mother who needs a wheelchair due to having difficulties walking long distance I know that she does it just to piss people off.

"I hate people playing the handicapped card or the racist card [Mr Davidson said].

Considering what I know of his act, does that mean he has a severe case of self-loathing?

"I do what I do and people love it, why do the people in the wheelchairs go there?"

You can of course replace 'people in the wheelchairs' with 'gays', 'blacks', 'women', 'people with taste'...


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