Saturday, September 13, 2003

So, let's just say that you were President of a fairly large country. Despite suffering one of the most shocking terrorist attacks in recent years you've squandered that goodwill by trying to order other countries about, then trying to cajole them through a mixture of lies, economic blackmail, insults and, in the end, petulent foot-stamping. They tell you not to do something because it'll all go wrong, but you do it anyway and it does. Now you're running short of money and any minute now your fairly tame media is going to wake up and expose your lies and start telling your people about how many of your own troops have died in a foreign country. You need foreign help, urgently. So do you go and admit that you were wrong, or at least say the sort of things that would make foreign governments minded to help you, or do you go in all guns blazing, try to make out that your deficiences are the fault of other governments and demand that they help you get out of your mess? Are you George W. Bush?


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