Friday, September 12, 2003

Post-work yesterday headed into town for round two of the Mord-rid meet at Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese off of Fleet Street. Strange strange place. Pretty much how I always imagined Bag End from 'The Hobbit' to be, lots of small, low ceilinged rooms as we slowly descended down, down, down... Fittingly everyone had gathered in the lowest cellar of the pub, which was thick with city types and cigarette smoke and an ambient temperature slightly lower than the melting point of skin. Plums was trying to convert anyone around to bisexuality, Ariadne was showing off her holiday snaps on one of them posh camera-phone doohickeys while Anna DeL was showing off the hat she stole from her Nan. It's a filthpub so I was on the cola all night, as Haus explained to me the concept behind Francine Pascal's 'Fear' series of teen books.

On the tube into town I sat opposite a woman who looked like Claudia Christian from Babylon 5 dressed up in a suit like Patti Smith on the Horses LP. So that's a couple of my fantasies in one attractive bundle.


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