Thursday, September 25, 2003

It was also the second part of When The God Squad Came to Town last night. Mostly reinforced what was said last week. The woman running the project seemed sincere and wanted what was best for the people on the estate, who were sceptical, although the kids seemed interested. Once more the two girls that had joined the project early on needed help and advice which the project leader wasn't really able to give them, beyond asking God for his help. At one point they even decided to stop being Christians to see if they felt better. But the rest of the team seemed equally clueless and naive, they were quite good at bringing up examples from the Bible but less so at discussing it, when some lads, discussing sex before marriage, brought up the question of where Cain and Abel's wives came from and how did they get married they seemed rather flummoxed. For the 'scary Christian' moment they went to do some outreach in school and the project leader said something along the lines of "In school, it's a multicultural environment, so we have to talk about how 'we believe' this and 'we believe' that... Outside the school we can say to kids that we know this stuff to be the Truth."

But at the end of the film there hadn't been any major disasters and crime was down on the estate, which the Eden Project were claiming as their success. The two girls had returned to the project, though apparently one of them didn't consider herself a Christian any more, and the one of them who had been cutting herself in the past and at the end of the first part and beginning of the second hadn't done it again for several months. And the community had started to thaw towards them, so maybe it was a victory of sorts.


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