Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Back to what passes for home base these days, which I shall hence refer to as 'The Posh Library'. I'm feeling monstrously disinclined against working today, after a nice evening in London chatting with Elfgeek, who I met at Bicon. Hope I didn't bore him too much, I prefer to meet new people when I'm in a group for the first couple of times, that way if we really don't hit it off or there are awkward pauses in the conversation there's someone else around to pitch in and help out. Still, I don't think we did too badly and he did introduce me to this cool Japanese restaurant on Wardour Street.

Anyway, despite heading home at a fairly early hour and not being the one who had to negotiate a completely different way home due to the Central Line trains not stopping at Tottenham Court Road, Ijust don't feel like working today. I feel fine which is why I'm in*, just one fraction of a painful head and I would have been staggering to the phone to announce that I couldn't possibly make it in because I'd developed seven different types of lurgi and was possibly even clinically dead. I have just never got the hang of throwing a sickie, even if my illnesses have tended to clear up by lunchtime I was always feeling rough when I phoned in, and was quite pleased that the one time I did force myself to go in I did turn out to be quite genuinely ill and had to leave at lunchtime. But pretending to be ill when there was absolutely nothing wrong with me at all? Never occured to me.

*Which is not to say that when I'm at work I automatically give 120% all the time of course...


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