Sunday, September 14, 2003

As if the Daily Telegraph going on about 'BBC Bias' as though it were a physical thing that slaughters children wasn't enough already, Andrew Sullivan is doing it too and claiming credit for turning the Telegraph onto the idea as well. And to think conservatives like to fulmigate about a gay clique running everything... ;-)
But perhaps Andrew can explain to me Iraq and Sept. 11th are connected. Because I've heard people often say it as though it were fact but never backed it up. So, what aid did Saddam give that allowed the Sept. 11th attacks to take place? Who were the Iraqis involved in the Sept. 11th attacks? What support did he give afterwards? What changed in Iraq post Sept. 11th in Saddam's favour that wouldn't otherwise have happened? And why has Bush shown remarkably little interest against the 'war against terror' going on between Pakistan and India, or Russia and Chechnya, or Zimbabwe against anyone that disagrees with the vote-rigging President, to name but three examples.


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