Wednesday, August 27, 2003

To the surprise of pretty much nobody except it would seem the US Government and the poor fools that believed them Paul Bremer today admitted that reconstructing Iraq would require US taxpayers and foreign governments to contribute billions of dollars in the next year. Well, if the US Government has all that money with which to try and bribe Turkey to let them use their country as a base or to spend on 'Son of Star Wars' I'm sure it could actually transfer some of that money into helping people. Oops, I forget, the US Government is happy to throw money at projects to kill lots of people, not at ones to save them. And if not for the humanitarian disaster that would inevitably unfold I'd be quite happy for 'Old Europe' and all the other countries that opposed a war in Iraq to laugh should the US and UK come cap-in-hand...

In the New York Times at the moment the attitude is more US might let UN force into Iraq with a US commander. Unless their masterplan is to either find the money themselves or let the Iraqis starve (which has pretty much been US policy since the first Gulf War) they might want to try making friends with the rest of the world again.


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