Monday, August 25, 2003

News to make geeks everywhere go squishy: [Greg] Dyke to open up BBC archive. Admittedly it's couched in aspirational language rather than 'we are going to do this' and when, but it would be wonderful if it happened.

Meanwhile, the Government that is currently in conflict with the BBC promises a fair, unbiased look at the BBCs websites. There have been complaints that they are spending the license fee on something that not all the public use, but quite frankly fuck those people. A miniscule part of the TV license that I have just started a direct debit to pay goes to fund Songs of Praise, part of the money goes to Eastenders, both programs I have no interest in at all, but I don't mind. This is a stupid argument that comes up regularly from people that tend to have a tie to people that would benefit if the BBC lost it's license, such as Rupert Murdoch. While Tessa Jowell can say until she's blue in the face the recent difficulties between the Government and the BBC won't influence this in anyway this is just damn stupid timing.


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