Thursday, August 14, 2003

How very English. Transsexuals in America get frisked by cops and arrested when they go to the toilet. In Britain they get banned from the pub.

[The judge] ruled that the claimants, only one of whom had undergone a sex change at the time of the alleged offence in March last year, were perceived as men dressed as women.

The judge said the group were biologically men in law and said their actions upset some of the other customers.

(Slightly more information on the case here.)
The upset caused by the publican and the 'other customers' towards the transsexuals doesn't count.

In another earlier report the landlord mutters darkly that 'other customers had complained' and he thought there was going to be trouble, which suggests rather that he banned them for being transsexuals.

"I was led to believe that should any of their female partners meet these people in the ladies that there would be trouble, verbal abuse, or it could escalate to physical violence."

This is rather like being caught 'driving while black'. But in the first report the landlord's solicitor rather smugly points out that it's not a crime to discriminate against transsexuals before hurriedly adding that he didn't think it was discrimination anyway.

Hmmm, all of a sudden I want to take a coachload of men in skirts to flashmob this pub at the weekend...


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