Friday, August 15, 2003

And at Moorewatch, where the most heinous of Michael Moore's crimes, based on the amount they bleat on about it, is not that he dared to suggest that America is not the bestest place ever but that he is fat, there's this gem, where all of London's crime problems would be solved if we were all allowed to carry guns. Presumerably it is the fault of all the people in America who don't have guns that they still have any crime over there. Is it Moorewatch's belief that if all the other kids at Columbine also went to school with sidearms then all those that got killed would be alive today? Is there any problem that Moorewatch believe cannot be solved with More Guns? Anyway, one of the gems is:

If the UK feels that the solution to gun violence is to ban guns, then it logically follows that passing a law against muggings will stop them as well.

Sadly, making something illegal does not stop people doing it. We have speed limits in suburban areas but people in cars still break them. The answer is not therefore to remove the speed limits.


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