Friday, July 25, 2003

Aaah, Friday afternoon. Not having any public in means we can act like office people the world over, wait for our manager to leave early, then leave about ten minutes later ourselves.

The library is slowly starting to look emptier, though not as much as you might hope/expect after spending three days stock weeding. The refurbishment work doesn't start until September, so we're in no rush. But, although I've been taking stuff off the shelves for the last three days I've left stock to be deleted on, which is about two-thirds of everything, so far, so it doesn't look that different. But some shelves have gone and IT have been here all day removing the public terminals, so it is starting to look different. The inclement weather has put a bit of a dampener, as t'wer, on the enjoyment we can get from stupid people trying to get in. The idea seems to be filtering through. I read somewhere that with monkey colonies, once a certain number of monkeys learn a new skill the entire colony somehow 'know' it. I wonder how many library users will try to open the door and read the notice to see we're shut before all the rest will know it without having to try to open the door?

The other libraries in the group have given me shopping lists of stuff they'd like from our stock. Unfortunately what they haven't really counted on was the fact that the stuff they al;l want is the same and is mostly the stuff we have nothing to give them. Oh well...


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