Monday, June 30, 2003

New rights for gay couples. And I never thought I'd be saying these words but I find myself agreeing with Peter Tatchell. I've never been that supportive of gay marriage but only because I find marriage an outdated institution in which many people involved are going to church for the first time in years. However, the fact is that we have the ridiculous situation where a byke who is in a relation with someone of the opposite sex would get more advantages if they had that ratified than if they were in a relationship with someone of the same sex. If we have to keep marriage it should be with the religion taken out, or as an optional add-on to what has for many years practically been a legal institution. And as a legal institution it should cover everyone equally, not only queers and straights, but also those who don't want to marry.

Wait, I think I see the flaw here...


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