Monday, June 09, 2003

Militants order joint gun attack. Just when you think the peace process is going forward it takes a couple of steps back. It is positive that the Israeli government is for now not trying to perpetuate the stupid idea that the Palestinian Authority is authorising these attacks but as they've achieved their aim of starting to get Arafat sidelined they can afford to be generous. However, quite what could be done to stop these fanatics that hasn't been done already is anyone's guess. Ireland would seem to show that one possible solution is to try and get some sort of procedures happening sooner rather than later, if the ordinary people see tangible benefits to peace then a lot of the support to the groups falls away.

Meanwhile in this country things like this are less than helpful. With incidents such as a dead Muslim woman's body being wrapped in pork happening, perhaps going for the easy stereotypes of Muslims as fanatical bombers isn't the most responsible thing to do?


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