Sunday, June 08, 2003

Ill-advised tights action. I wouldn't mind it so much, might even find it amusing, if I hadn't gone to the political premise section. And we have the same kind of crap we heard when we had the blockading of the petrol stations a year or two back. That in a world full of murder, death, corporate scandals and illegal invasions of foreign countries the real scandal is anything that prevents arseholes from driving their cars. Implicit in these screeds is the idea that it's somehow unfair to expect cars to drive at sensible and slow speeds in urban areas where people walk, that petrol should be free at the point of sale, and they should be able to park where they like, when they like. Visiting the hospital? Park right by the door, why not? Yeah, I'm exaggerating, but then this guy says things like:

The Mafia, Triads, and Yakusa are all banned from demanding payment through coercion, but if you have a shiny peaked cap and a council uniform, then it seems to be allowed.

I support the premise of the congestion charge in London which, annoyingly for the car-lovers, does seem to have made the centre of London easier to move around, though I'm waiting to see whether the money or not is coming in. The only thing I agree with is the idea that public transport is in a state, but we can either wait for that to magically improve, or we can start taking steps to force down car use in the city and put that money into public transport. It's a no-brainer really.And this is extremely disturbing.


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