Sunday, June 15, 2003

Ahh, the traditional Sunday morning Blogger collapse. Is it just me that this happens to, or does everyone find they can't post here on a Sunday morning? You would have thought someone at Blogger HQ would have noticed this happens weekly and I don't know, do something about it? Anyway, had my parents come over for Father's Day. I managed to find a FD card that neither assumed that I was a four-year-old boy that idolised his father for taking him to football or a pre-teenage girl who wears skimpy t-shirts that have the Maltesers logo changed to say 'Cockteaser' without any understanding of what it means. Instead it told a short and humorous story about how when I was watching Dad I was always taking notes, mainly fivers and tenners. Buh-doom boom. Actually, I never had to take money from my Dad like that when I lived at home, I found beating up pensioners got me much more money.


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