Saturday, May 17, 2003

Well, that idea didn't last long. Just read Day Three of NLP and realised that it needs more time than I can give it at the time in the evening where I normally turn my brain off and do something non-taxing for the few hours before I climb in to bed. I suspect this will lead to a choice over what I do tomorrow afternoon, stay here and work on this or go and see 'Phone Booth', which I've been led to believe is a good film. It took me two goes to get most of the chapter into my head, I had that thing where you read the words but the instant you've read them they immediately fly out of your head and you realise that you can't remember anything from the last five pages.

I read chapter three and immediately wanted to throw in the towel. Deep analysis of those wants I listed the other day. I firmly believe that at no point in my education was I taught how to think. I was simply taught facts, dates, arguments and vocabulary and my teachers fervently hoped that they would rub together in my brain and light the spark of intelligence within. So, while I can string words together real purdy, I have difficulty with the 'whys' and the logical arguing of points. My brain rebels whenever it thinks it's being asked to do this, which is why I'll need a long run up tomorrow.


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