Thursday, May 22, 2003

NLP- The saga continueth. Day Four- Matching and Rapport Building. Yep, a stroke of genius, on a day when I don't go to work so therefore don't have to talk to anyone, I learn about how to get ahead by talking to people. Or specifically by matching them. Apparently this is how salesmen work to make you trust them and therefore buy their product, by making you feel they are just like you, copying your stance, way of speaking, representational style (visually, auditory, kinaesthetically), shared experiences. This is about the only thing I remember from when I investigated NLP a few years ago and have occasionally tried it myself. Presumerably this isn't best to do at all times, someone with crossed arms and a defensive/aggressive attitude is probably not best dealt with in a similar matter, unless you fancy starting a big fight.

What with the bank holiday weekend I may not get many opportunities to experiment with this but I'll give it a go, matching can be done on phone calls as well, so I'll let you know how it goes, if it does, next week.


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