Thursday, May 22, 2003

Channel 5, in their 'showing one program a year to justify why they should be allowed to continue to broadcast' mood showed 'Final Flight of the Osiris' last night, the very short film that is set about half an hour before 'The Matrix Reloaded'. And very nice it was too. Not being big on Japanamation I have nothing current to compare it to, (I've seen 'Akira', 'Ghost in the Shell' and 'Princess Mononoke' and that's it) but it looked lovely. The first half of the thing is a training session between the two main characters whose names are so unimportant I've forgotten already. Think the dojo scene from Matrix weapon, with swords. The second half is more in the real world as in their Neb-like craft they come in contact with a LOT of Sentinals. Very nicely done. And it's whetted my appetite for the main thing. I'm just deciding how long I'm going to wait before I go and see it. I don't want to be surrounded by whooping fanboys but the longer I leave it the more chance I've got of being spoiled on the contents by friends. Choices choices.


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