Friday, April 25, 2003

A fun thing that's started happening to me in the last year or so is when I get a cold I tend to get insomnia on the night it's coming in, normally leaving me unable to sleep until four or five in the morning, so I only get a couple of hours. I've had a cold since the Thursday before last and after getting back to work today for the first time since Easter I've found other people have gone down with it/are going down with it. But the insomnia seems to be my own mix on it and has been around since Sunday night. I've been on a pattern of sleeping okay every alternate night, Monday and Wednesday okay, Sunday Tuesday and last night only a few hours.

A friend told me to try these 'rescue remedy' things from Boots, supposedly to help chill me out before I go to sleep. I may be wrong, but if they are having any effect it's increasing my wakefulness and stopping me sleeping. If true, I'd better start taking it with my breakfast, although knowing my luck it'll then start working properly and I'll be nodding off at my desk.


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